10 Min Issue 2graffiti Movies & Documentaries

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If I had a dollar for every time I heard “so do you like Banksy?” when I told people I write about street art and graffiti, I would have enough money to no longer have to write about street art and graffiti. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Banksy. He’s just not the only artist out there. This list of documentaries contains a collection of artists that have created, or are redefining the street art and graffiti scene. Whether you are looking for a refresher or trying to impress your next date with your knowledge of contemporary art, we got you.

There are many more films that have been left off this list, but think of this as a crash course to get you started.

The selected documentaries vary in time period and location and show that the art goes deeper than what hits the eye. These films do their best to explain that it is more than reckless vandalism for these artists, but a lifestyle and a possible catalyst for change. With that, I give you a handful of the best documentaries online about the scene. There are many more films that have been left off this list, but think of this as a crash course to get you started.

Art of Conflict (2012)


In a surprising twist, Vince Vaughn - a man better known for his bro-tastic comedies - set his eyes on the hyper-political artwork of Northern Ireland. In a region wrought with turmoil and violence, Belfast and Derry artists have reflected their anguish with powerful murals. Directed by his sister Valeri Vaughn, Vince interviews local muralists, political figures, noted mural historians, art community members, and residents about the ongoing conflict. While the murals may be contemporary, it’s astonishing to see the issues the art reflects run centuries deep.

Style Wars (1983)


Frequently referred to as a hip-hop documentary, it’s Style Wars’ heavy emphasis on graffiti that has earned itself a spot on the list. Initially aired on PBS, this iconic film gave many people their very first taste of graffiti art. Placed in '80s NYC, the film follows several artists as they struggle to express themselves by transforming the urban landscape using a medium never before seen. Key moments include footage of the founding fathers of graffiti like Futura, Seen, and DONDI before they became the names that they are today. While the narrator’s voice is a little monotonous (it is PBS after all), the shots of the adorned subway cars and artists bombing the city provide enough excitement. This is the integral documentary you have to see if you want to learn about how graffiti started.

Beautiful Losers (2008)


Anemoia, or a nostalgia for a time you’ve never known, resonates heavy in Beautiful Losers. The film takes the viewer back to '90s NYC and follows a loose-knit group of like-minded creatives inspired by DIY and the subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip-hop, and graffiti. The group rejected the influence of the “establishment” in the art world and in the end, created a unique cultural movement. Prolific characters like Shepard Fairey, Mark Gonzales, Ed and Deanna Templeton, Harmony Korine, Barry McGee and Aaron Rose are interviewed, where they talk about the feelings of “making it big” when you were once considered an outsider.

The Deepest Depths of the Burrow (2015)


If Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations entire series was condensed to less than two hours and focused on street art, The Deepest Depths of the Burrow would be it, and Austrian artist Nychos would be your guide. Following the Rabbit Eye Movement’s motto of “travel to paint, paint to travel,” this film documents two years in the life of Nychos as he country-hops, spreading his art and meeting with fellow artists. Aside from the traveling that will give you insta-wanderlust, the film focuses on the unique lifestyle, subculture, and passion of the artists. It also touches on the contrast of urban art and graffiti.

Piece by Piece (2005)


The film documents San Francisco's graffiti culture from the early 1980s to 2004 as narrated by San Francisco graffiti artist Senor One, aka Renos. The thoughtful documentary is broken up into chapters and gives a thorough history of the controversial art and the artists involved. Featuring interviews with well known artists, this film is candid and presents an authentic history of the Bay Area as both a fundamental site for the development of graffiti and a place for change.

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Presentation Articles , Presentations Against the Clock

Ten minutes is more than enough time in which to give a compelling and effective presentation.

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A lot of detailed information can be presented in ten minutes without the presentation dragging on and losing the audience’s attention. Structuring the presentation correctly is still vitally important. No one likes to be waffled at.


A basic four-section structure for your 10-minute presentation could be something like this:

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1. Introduction. Tell the audience a little about yourself, briefly, and perhaps include a slide with your name and job title on as you do so.

It is also important to grab the audience’s attention during your introduction. Tell them an interesting story, or a joke, or quote some research with relevant findings.

2. With ten minutes to fill it is possible to make several main points, supported by slides or visual aids, and reinforced with details to form a compelling argument or overview of the subject matter.

Succinctly run through the points you intend to make, simplifying them to suit the audience and enable them to understand without difficulty. Trying to give too much information will overload and confuse the audience. Instead, cover a few main points well and thoroughly explain anything that might be hard to understand.

3. Use the ‘rule of three’ to explain your points. This is a memorable structure for delivering information in blocks of three items. For example, you might consider illustrating your presentation with three case studies from the real world, or three practical examples of your argument in action.

4. Finish with something that suitably rounds off your presentation. Due to the recency effect, the end of your presentation is likely to be one of the most memorable parts for most people in the audience. Make it count with a sales call-to-action, or details of a future opportunity, a web address for further contact, or even just a final summary of your points.

10 Min Issue 2graffiti Movies & Documentaries



Don’t try to learn your presentation word-for-word

A lot of words can be said in ten minutes. Learning the entire presentation off by heart is difficult and time consuming. Instead, aim to learn the outline and key facts of each point you wish to make, and work out cues to remind yourself when to change slides.

Write out reminders on cue cards to prompt your memory, but don’t try to read your presentation entirely from paper. With practice, it will become easier to speak continuously for ten minutes without having to refer to your cue cards too often. The presentation will also flow far more smoothly.

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Tryto tell a story

10 Min Issue 2graffiti Movies & Documentaries

Ten minutes can seem like a long time, and it is easy to lose the thread of your presentation. To avoid this, try to imagine your presentation as a story. All stories have a beginning, middle and end, and this can be used to keep your presentation coherent and focused. What story are you trying to tell the audience? Try to remember this if you start to go off-topic during the presentation.

Focus on the whole audience

List Of Documentaries On Youtube

It is often tempting to pick out an individual member of the audience and give the presentation as if you were speaking only to him or her. This can be effective over a short time, but over ten minutes, it would be hard to maintain. Instead, spread your eye contact across the whole audience, looking at different people periodically. No one likes to be stared at, but making eye contact is important.

Best Documentaries

Similarly, if you feel nervous during the presentation don’t drop your eyes to look down at your lectern or, even worse, the floor. Instead, take a breath, smile, pause momentarily if you need to, and continue.