How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself

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  1. How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Without
  2. How To Fix A Cracked Tooth Yourself
  3. Tooth Putty For Broken Tooth

The teeth are likely to break, fracture or chip when they are not properly maintained. Extreme cases of tooth grinding, biting on hard foods, accident, gum disease or bone loss can lead to tooth damage. A cracked or broken tooth can cause severe pain, it can even make the affected tooth to be more susceptible to infection and further damage.

  • On top of that, a broken tooth can be very painful, depending on the kind of damage it has. And this pain may worsen the longer a tooth’s left untreated. Depending on what caused your tooth to break, there may be a few ways to fix a broken tooth. How to fix a cracked tooth.
  • The beads are even cheaper now! Thanks to you guys I am sure.
  • 5 Dental Procedures to Repair or Replace a Cracked or Broken Tooth Teeth cracks and breaks represent a significant number of dental visits. The treatment you require depends on various factors, such as the degree of the crack and the location of the tooth, the tooth’s specific history of treatment, and the presence of decay and infection.

Naturally, the teeth are protected by a strong outer covering known as the enamel. Beneath the white tooth enamel lies the dentin which is a soft inner layer. The dentin on its part protects the pulp which contains very sensitive tooth nerves and blood vessels. A crack in the tooth can extend deep into the dentin, leaving the tooth pulp exposed. An exposed pulp is the reason why the tooth will hurt when chewing, the tooth can also become extremely sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks.

A chipped tooth could bring discomfort as well when the tongue feels the sharp area quite often. However, it is advised to see a dentist immediately if the damaged tooth hurts all the time as it may indicate other problems like damaged blood vessels or nerves. How to Fix a Broken Tooth? A tooth can have different breakages or fractures.

Well, maybe you are reading this article right now because you are currently battling with broken tooth or you might just be preparing yourself incase the situation arises. Whatever your reason might be, you are indeed at the right place. In this article, I will give you a list of effective home remedies to get rid of broken tooth pain. I will also share with you, some of the simple ways to fix broken tooth at home yourself.

Remedies to Treat Broken Tooth Pain

Before, I continue with this article there are few important things that you should know. If you suspect that your tooth is cracked or broken, the best thing to do is to visit a dentist as soon as possible. But while you are still waiting for your appointment day, there are a few steps you can take to alleviate your pain.

There are also few temporary ways to you can fix your damaged teeth all by yourself without the dentist. In the meantime, you should try as much as possible to keep the affected tooth healthy. Here are some home remedies to relieve the pain:

  • Clove oil: apply some clove oil directly on the broken tooth to reduce pain and chances of infection. Clove oil has natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties which makes it effective for relieving toot pain and reducing infection. Get some cotton balls, soaked a ball in the oil and place it directly on the affected tooth and the surrounding gums. The oil will creates a numbing effects on the tooth and gums.
  • Lemon mouthwash: make a solution with a glass of water and few drops of lemon juice. This remedy is an effective home remedy for relieving tooth pain, it also promotes the general health of the tooth. The solution also helps to remove harmful bacteria, thus preventing infection.
  • Salt water rinse: rinsing your mouth with warm salt water is a great way to sanitize your mouth. The salt water will help to reduce the tooth pain as well as revents bacteria from growing in the mouth. Make a solution with a glass of warm water and I teaspoon of salt. Rinsing with the solution, will keep your mouth clean and free from infection.
  • Apply an ice pack to your face: ensure to inspect the affected tooth, check if there is swelling or inflammation in the gums around the cracked tooth. In some cases, the cracked tooth may cause your face to appear swollen and puffy. If the area around the surrounding gums and cheek are swollen, applying an ice pack will reduce your swelling. So, grab a small ice pack and wrap it with a small towel. Place the towel right on your face above the affected tooth, the coldness from the ice with reduce the pain as well as the swelling.
  • Counter pain relievers: if your tooth was damaged badly and it seems that the pain isn’t going away after using natural remedies, you can try medications. There are suitable OTC pain relievers that you can take in order to get rid of the pain. Certain pain relievers such as Ibuprofen products like Motrin and Advil are usually preferred because they reduce swelling and tooth pain effectively.

How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself Without

Weldone, let’s assume that you have succeeded in relieving the pain and swelling. The next step now is to fix the broken tooth yourself. Don’t, worry you will learn the steps before the end of this article.

How To Fix Broken Tooth At Home Yourself

1. Get the required materials: head to a pharmacy or any local drug store and request for temporary filling material. There are so many brands of temporary fillings around, try to get the one of high quality. Read the instructions and mix the materials to be used for the filling as directed. Also follow the instructions to apply the mix on the cracked area of your tooth. The filling will harden overtime forming a smooth covering or surface.

2. Get a temporary crown material: this is a good alternative to fillings. You may need to get a temporary crown material if your tooth is loose or if a large portion of your tooth chipped off. You can get a temporary clown at the drug store. Follow the instructions carefully and install the crown over the affected tooth.

3. Cover the tooth with dental wax: dental wax is another effective temporary solution that can fix your broken tooth. Wax might also be available at your local drugstore. Moreover, dental waxing is usually recommended if the crack on your tooth produced a rough edge that could cut our tongue or gums. (1) You can cover the sharp tooth edges, creating a smooth surface with dental wax.

4. Smoothen the cracked surface: this method is very risky and it’s not advisable. Although, it has worked for many patients. It involves the use the emery board to slightly file down the tooth to improve the look. (2) Note: You should only file your tooth if it’s just a small part or a corner of the tooth that was chipped off. It’s never a good idea to file your if the crack or damage on the tooth is large with exposed dentin. Well, using a file can help to improve the appearance of the tooth, but you should be careful not to remove too much of your tooth surface.

Bottom Line

The pain from a broken, fractured or chipped tooth can be so excruciating when you chew food or touch the area. If your suspect that your tooth is cracked or broken, it necessary that you should see your dentist for proper evaluation and treatment plans. But if you are too far away or out of reach to the dentist’s office, there are possible ways to alleviate the pain and fix broken tooth at home.

However, most of the remedies that are listed in this article are temporal, they can only alleviate the pain until you visit your dentists office. It’s always advisable that you should visit your dentist for a proper permanent treatment and tooth repair. In one I my previous posts, I explained some of the available permanent tooth repair procedures. You can read the post in order to know what to expect, if you are to visit the dentist for a tooth repair. Read the post here – 5 Ways To Fix A Broken Tooth Permanently.

Check out our #1 Recommended 60 Seconds Dental Remedy To Rebuild Your Teeth and Gums And Get Rid of Any Dental Problems within a WEEK. CLICK HERE now. Enjoy!

A missing tooth can create problems with the alignment of your jaw and for the rest of your teeth as they gradually move to fill in the blank space. Lost teeth can also affect your speech or make it hard to bite and chew.

But even more embarrassing is the social stigma that can come with missing teeth. Coworkers, family, and even employers can be critical of a person missing teeth. This leads many to try temporary tooth replacement fixes at home.

DIY Tooth Replacement Options

The Dental Health Society does not recommend trying to fix a tooth without a dentist’s help. But people do try, and an online search for DIY tooth replacement results in a number of matches. It is interesting to note, though, that most of them are advertisements for tooth replacement products, or videos demonstrating how to use those products. It’s hard to find any professional dental or scientific articles on the topic.

A few brands that are available online and in drugstores are Smile Renewed, Temptooth, Dentemp, and PrimeDent QuickFix. These are usually sold in kits that include all the materials and tools you will need. They all use similar methods that typically fall into three categories:

How To Fix A Broken Tooth Yourself

Melted Polymers

Some products come in the form of beads that must be melted. This forms a soft material that can be molded with your fingers into the shape of a tooth. Coloring agents might be included so you can match the color of the temporary tooth to your other teeth.

Moldable Wax or Paste

How To Fix A Cracked Tooth Yourself

Moldable wax works like a melted polymer product, but it is ready to be shaped without melting anything. The paste, on the other hand, is mainly used for chips and cracks. It is applied to the tooth, and the user smooths it with their tongue before it solidifies into place.

Orthodontic Wax

This could be described as the “lowest-tech” of the methods. Orthodontic wax is usually sold to keep braces from poking into lips and gums. Small bits are stuck onto protruding wires. Some people, however, use a tooth-sized chunk to place in the spot where they’ve lost a tooth.

The Problems with DIY “Teeth”

Dentists view these DIY tooth replacement products as subpar substitutes for seeing a professional. Although many claim to look just like real teeth, the reality is that this is rare. Unless you are an artist, it is unlikely that you can sculpt something that looks like the real thing.

When considering these products, it is important to research the ingredients they use. For example, avoid putting anything in your mouth that is not FDA approved. Read the instructions and guidelines carefully. Some fake teeth products do not allow you to eat or drink when the product is in place.

Product reviews can also be misleading. No matter what some users may claim, all of these products are meant for temporary use only.

The Dentist-Recommended DIY Solution

There is one viable option for saving a missing tooth on your own. Unfortunately, conditions need to be just right to do it.

First, this works only if the tooth that’s knocked out is healthy. If the tooth falls out because of decay or if the root is dead, you will need another option.

Tooth Putty For Broken Tooth

Second, and most importantly, you need to act fast. It is recommended that you get to a dentist within 30 minutes if possible. You may be able to save the tooth if you wait longer than that, but your chances diminish as time passes.

  1. Find the tooth and hold it by the top, and do not touch the root.
  2. Clean it off gently under running water. Don’t scrub it and don’t wrap it in tissue or cloth.
  3. Reposition it in the gum. Hold it in place with your fingers, or bite down gently to keep it still.
  4. Get to a dentist right away. The dentist will hold it in place with wire or bonding material so the root can reattach.

If for some reason the tooth can’t be placed back in the gum right away, it still may be saved if it can be kept moist. A patient can try holding it in their mouth between their cheek and gum. It can also be placed in a small amount of milk. Never use tap water, as it can damage the root.

The tooth can be gently suspended in HBSS, a balanced salt solution commonly used to irrigate wounds and during surgeries. Marketed under the brand name Save-a-Tooth®, it can extend the time until it is replanted to as many as 24 hours.

Professional Tooth Replacement is Best

If your tooth is knocked out before an important event, such as a wedding or a job interview, it’s understandable that you might look for a quick, inexpensive fix.

This may seem tempting if the cost is your main concern. Just remember that all of these DIY methods are meant to be temporary solutions to replacing a lost tooth. And it’s rare to find one that is a convincing duplicate of a real tooth.

It is still better, in the long run, to save up to have your lost tooth replaced by a dentist than to try something at home. Many dentists offer payment plan options. There are also dental credit cards and other ways to finance dental work.

Professional options include implants, fixed bridges, and removable partial dentures. All can look and feel just like your original teeth.

The best thing to do for a lost tooth is to discuss your options with a dentist instead of trying to fix it yourself. Use our online search tool to find a dentist near you.