Info Geekhome

College Info Geek is a resource built from the ground up to help you study effectively, earn better grades, and become more productive (even if you're not in college). Hi, I'm Thomas Frank. My team and I built College Info Geek from the ground up to help you learn effectively, spend less time studying, and become more productive (even if you're. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Home remedies for High Blood Pressure.


From RebelGeekz:

Info Geekhome

'I would like my ideal home to have one box in a hidden place, only one, that will be the main brain of my Home Information System.

Picture it like a black cube with some green LEDs indicating the brain's temperature and some other unimportant info. Who cares if nobody will see it.

This box will have all the hard-drives, memory and hardware any regular server needs to have, plus the respective internet, cable and tv connections.

Now, the rest of my house won't have any other computers at all, only displays, smart displays. Like a 60' flat in the living room, a couple of 21' flats in my studio, a 19' in every bedroom and some 15' and 10' portables for moving around and surfing from your best spot, the couch, floor, kitchen, bathroom, anywhere.'

Info Geekers

There's a lot more in his post that articulates a vision I'd like to see. Can anyone explain why we aren't seeing this today?

Geeks home and officeInfo Geekhome

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