I am using Doombringer weapon (2793.0 dmg) which had 19% Phys skill dmg, but the damage affix is 1528-1902 Arcane dmg. I've already rerolled it to give it 10% cooldown reduction and a socket. The secondary roll was 2.3% chance to freeze. Then again it is quite redundant to show +% dmg on wep if it is already added to the dps. Is this number already factored into the listed DPS of the weapon? Does this number affect anything beyond the base damage of the weapon it is on? Does it affect my off-hand weapon if I'm dual wielding?
Last Updated 2003/12/28 for 3.5
It is an age of Heroes and Wonders.
Table Rules
This is an at-will campaign of D&D3.5e. Any player can leave bytelling me that they're doing so, and doesn't have to explainwhy (although I'd prefer that they talk to me first to give mea chance to fix the reason if its fixable, or at least provideadvance notice so their character can be cleanly written out).Likewise, I can ask any player to leave without explaining why.The character of a departing player will be dealt with in whateverway works best for the DM and remaining players.
New players or changes in players are only added with theunanimous approval of the DM and existing players. Guest playersfor a single session may be present at the DM's sole approval,but I will be sensitive to player desires in this regard.
It is expected that players will make every effort to show upfor every game, and will let the DM know as far in advance aspossible if they can't make it. I recognize that players workingin high-tech fields may get blindsided by work, and anyonecan fall ill. Every player should designate a backup playerto minimally run their PC in their absence (not taking any bigrisks or making any big decisions, but moving the story along),and where possible, PCs of absent players will fall ill or staybehind on other matters or otherwise be rendered irrelevant tothe session without 'ghosting' or making it hard to rejoin atthe next session.
A die that lands on the floor or cocked will be rerolled,without rerolling the other dice. Attract the DM's attentionbefore rolling anything important. It's fine to roll yourdamage dice with your attack die to speed combat up. If you getmultiple attacks it's fine to roll all the attack dice at once aslong as you've clearly established which die color is primary,secondary and so on, and stick with that scheme. And please,don't rattle the dice until they're dizzy, just roll them already!No electronic randomizers permitted.
Players may reference the Player's Handbook (and its errata)during play, but not any other rulebooks, unless asked to bythe DM.
Players are responsible for giving the DM a legible copy oftheir character sheet at the end of each session. The DM willupdate his online copy, email that to each player, and bring afresh sheet for the next session.
This is a by-the-book, suck it up and no whining game.Character death may occur, and raises may be difficult to come by.Anything changed from the three core rulebooks will be identified.Note that background info (including equipment availabilityand costs) is going to be quite different, since this game isNOT set in Greyhawk, but mechanics will be the same or will beclearly identified as differing. Monsters may vary substantially.
The errata on the following web pages are considered to be part of the three core rulebooks:
- Errataas of 2004/6/18 for PHB, DMG, MM.
- v3.5 Main D&D FAQ as of 2004/06/25 (local cache) -- ignore any references to books we're not using, like Savage Species, Epic Level Handbook, Complete Warrior, etc.
Errata from any other source should be brought to the attentionof the DM, who will keep the definitive list online and bringa printout for reference.
Sage's Advice in The Dragon sometimes makes mistakes,so its entries are only accepted as official if listed on my page above.
I'm not intending to use any of the legion of supplements outsidethe original 3 rulebooks. If I do adopt any of them, I'll letthe players know ahead of time, and give them the opportunity totalk sense into me.
The campaign includes the Assassin and Shadowdancer prestige classesfrom the DMG.I haven't decided yet if I'm using any of the other.If that's important for you to know,talk to me. I may use monsters, magic items,or spells of my own devising or from other sources, but if sothey'll follow the same rules the core rulebooks do.
Background information (prices, gods, what items are available)are quite different, see below. PHB Chapters 6 and 7 have beenmodified. Plane cosmology is quite different from Greyhawk's Great Wheel.
No variants to mechanics will be used, except as stated below.
DMG 24. Variant: Striking the cover instead of a missed target, will be used.If the attack roll misses the target but would have hit it had there been no cover bonus to AC, then the object used for cover is struck. If a creature is providing cover for the target and the attack roll would hit the AC of the covering creature, the covering creature takes damage. If the covering creature has a Dex bonus to AC or a dodge bonus, and this bonus keeps the covering creature from being hit, then the original target is hit instead. A covering creature can choose not to apply his Dex bonus and/or dodge bonus to AC.
DMG 25. Variant: Automatic Hits and Misses will be used.A natural roll of 1 is treated as a roll of -10 and a naturalroll of 20 is treated as a roll of 30, but they are not automaticmisses and hits.
Note that Saving Throws always succeed on 20 and always fail on 1,and that skill checks have no automatic success or failure.
DMG 27. Variant: Death from Massive Damage Based on Size willbe used. A medium sized being that takes 50 points of damagein a single blow must make a Fortitude check (DC 15) or die.Each size category larger or smaller than Medium-size raises orlowers the threshold by 10 hp. (So Small characters check at 40,Fine at 10, Large at 60, Colossal at 90, and so on.)
DMG 27. Weapon equivalencies will be used, so that medium-size daggerscan be used as small shortswords by small characters, etc. D&D's combatsystem is too general to be getting into that kind of nitpickiness.
DMG 36. Power components may be used, although the actualcomponents will be up to the DM. Creating magic items willrequire the use of special materials, to be discovered in play.
DMG 37. Variant: Summoning Individual Monsters will be used.Clerics must decide during prayers what they'll be summoning.Druids can decide which nature's ally to call on the fly.Different monsters than the ones in the spell description maybe available.
DMG 130. Variant: Upkeep will be used. Let the DM know what level of upkeep you're choosing.
Rerolled Dmg Off Wep D3 Reviews
DMG 169. All PCs will be generated using the one floating rerollvariant, in the DM's presence, using myperfectly balanced dice. Any character whose total bonus is 0or below, or who doesn't have at least one ability at 14, maybe rerolled entirely. Players may choose to use the 25-pointstandard buy instead in which theyspend 25 points buying their six stats at the following cost,before applying racial modifiers.
Stat: | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Cost: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 13 | 16 |
Scent (Prereq Wisdom 11+) can be bought as a startingFeat by Half-Orcs, since they get two -2's in exchange for their+2 to Str. Gnomes can not buy Scent as a feat.
I find training boring, therefore none of the varianttraining systems will be used. If you want to roleplay findinga trainer in order to explain why you know some nifty new thing,that's fine. If you want to multiclass there needs to be somerational explanation, and may require training if suddenly gainingthe new abilities would seem too unlikely. Certain feats mayrequire training.
DMG 198. At each level you may choose whether to roll your new hitdie or take fixed hit points. The first time you take fixed hit pointsit'll round down, the second time it'll round up, and so on. Attractthe DM's attention before stating your choice and making your roll.
Once the average level of PCs is above 3rd, replacement PCsfor dead PCs will join with a character level one less than thelower of A) the average level of the rest of the party, or B)the highest level the dead PC had reached. Starting equipmentfor new characters above 1st level will be assigned by the DM, with inputfrom the player.
DMG 296. When you lose a level (whether from energy drain or beingraised) you lose XP equal to the amount it took to reach that level, ratherthan being set to the midpoint of the previous levels. In some cases thismay mean you don't actually lose a level. That's fine. If greater restoration restores the level from energy drain, you get back the amount of XP you lost, most recent loss first.

DMG 300 and PHB 145 disagree about when stabilization checks are done.I'll call for it (DC 19 on a d20) at the dying PC's initiative count.
Background Changes
The campaign setting is NOT Greyhawk. The players will discoverthe world as their PCs do, starting out knowing only what thePCs know. Some of what they know may even be wrong, since theygrew up in a small isolated village deep in the forest.
The setting is more like iron age than pseudo-medieval, exceptthat bronze is still mostly used instead of iron. (Or you maywish to think of it as a very advanced bronze age. :-) )Bronze weapons do standard damage (not the -2 from the DMG),and iron weapons are masterwork.
The only heavy armor is banded, and it's rare. No saddles orstirrups, so combat from moving horseback is at a further -2.No horse shoes or horse collars. No crossbows yet. Think Motte& Bailey strongholds rather than the vast stone castles of thelate medieval period.
All writing is magic, which means that everyone is illiterateexcept for Wizards, Clerics, and Druids who get literacy for free.Rangers, Paladins and Bards may buy literacy for 2 skill pointsafter they can cast spells. Rogues can use their Decipher Scriptand Use Magic Item skills. Sorcerors, Fighters, Barbarians andMonks are illiterate (unless they're multiclassed with somethingthat is literate). Illiterate characters with the Read Magicspell can still use scrolls. If you don't want to be literateor speak as many languages as you deserve you can trade thosein for extra skill points instead. Books have just barely beeninvented, so Wizards can take a scroll instead of a spellbook,that weighs 3 pounds and contains 100 pages of spells just likea spellbook (1 page per level, except each cantrip takes 1 page).Some wizards may contain their magic in other forms,which will be treated the same way.
Since treasure no longer gives XP and I want to emphasize heroicdeeds and exciting adventures rather than the logistics ofmule trains full of gold, the campaign is on a silver standard.Prices and weights are adapted from '... And a 10' Pole' insteadof the DMG, with adjustments for the campaign world. No one inthe starting village uses coins; you'll discover the prices forthings in play. Table 5-2 on DMG p149 is updated accordinglyto use sp instead of gp, but if you want to buy something, youneed to find someone who has it, and then see how much they'llsell it for. Barter is common.
The most common coinage has 30 copper pieces to 1 silver piece,12 silver pieces to one gold piece, with all weighing about 1/50pound each (but not all the same size). A tradesman typicallyearns 1 sp a day. Copper (or more commonly barter) is used tobuy food and most day-to-day items, silver is used for arms andarmor, and gold is something mostly used by nobles and merchants,sometimes in bars instead of coins. People often wear theirwealth as armbands or torcs instead of coins.
Enchanted items must be created by the mage that enchants them,which is mostly a limit on arms and armor.
Raise dead may be rare and difficult, for theological reasonsyou will discover in play.
Character Generation
See above for the one floating reroll method (or point design).
All starting PCs grew up together in Rivers Bend, the mostboring village in the world. A thorp, really, not even bigenough to be a hamlet, less than 100 people. Rivers Bendis nestled beside a river deep in the forest. There's beenlittle or no contact with the outside world since the bridgeupstream washed away in the Great Storm, 15 or so years ago,but circumstances will result in the PCs needing to leave theonly home they've known and venture into the vast world beyondthe forest. Character personalities should be predisposedtowards wanting to see the world, rather than reluctant heroes.Friendly is good, so it'll be more plausible that they'll acceptnew PCs should anyone perish in the journey.
Everyone already knows each other, you grew up together.Players should develop their characters together, and knowtheir families. The first game or possibly even first few gamesmay take place in or near Rivers Bend itself, before they setforth into the wide dangerous world. You can be related or not,since there are several families in the thorp.
Any age is fine, although youth is strongly recommended. You mayhowever choose to be middle aged, old or venerable and get thepenalties and bonuses from table 6-5 on PHB 93. Humans preferred,but half-elves are OK, and halflings or elves are perhaps possiblewith proper justification, or half-orcs or gnomes with extremejustification. No dwarves (since as far as anyone knows theBuilders were killed off or died off or something centuries ago).Half-elf + human gives another half-elf, as do two half-elves.The nonhuman races are tied into the different world background,so if you think you want to run one talk to me about it.
Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Ranger are fine. One or twoWizards or Sorcerors are OK. Bard, Druid or Paladin may beavailable, talk to me. Barbarian and Monk seem unlikely, butif your heart is set on those, talk to me.
If your class has proficiencies or class skills that you'd beunlikely to acquire in a small setting in the middle of deepforest, you may still take them at character creation time withthe explanation that you're a natural or a quick learner, whenyou use them later. A humorous training montage may occur.
Because of your childhood, the following skills can be bought asclass skills for all classes during character creation (but arebought as normal after character creation): Craft (Basketweaving,Leatherworking, Pottery, Weaving), Handle Animal, Profession(Farmer, Fisher, Herdsman, Tanner), Swim, Wilderness Lore.
Since there are no crossbows or rapiers, Wizards may substituteweapon proficiency with any two of sling, dart, javelin.Monks get dart. Rogues get sling, and medium-sized rogues alsoget javelin and shortspear.
Gods: Your local gods are the river, the near forest, thedeep forest, and your family's hearth spirit, but if you wantto worship one or more of the big gods of the Solar Empire(particularly The Huntress), that's fine too. Note that this isa world in which a sacrifice means the gods DO hear your prayer.They may not do anything about it, but anyone can talk tothe gods.
Clerics must be within one alignment step of their deity (ifthey have one) and cannot take law/chaos/good/evil as a domainunless their alignment matches it. Clerics who have not chosena deity select any two domains (see PHB 90). Whether you canspontaneously cast heals or inflicts, and whether you turn orrebuke undead, depends on which deity you've chosen, and youralignment. In some cases you may be able to choose. This worlddoes not use the Greyhawk theology of positive and negativeenergy, so in some special cases heal/rebuke or inflict/turncan be taken.
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Bravery and generosity are the most desirable of traits,kinslaying and violation of hospitality the most heinous ofcrimes. More background info will be available in the firstsession when you roll up characters together.
Equipment. Encumbrance will be tracked. Make a list of what you'dlike, based on what you could expect to find in a tiny thorpin the middle of the deep forest. There will be opportunitiesto get better armor and weapons, but most likely you'll startwith leather armor, wooden shields, spears and bows and slings,and so forth. On the plus side, your Moms will load you downwith all the journeybread and waycakes you can stagger under,at no charge, if you'll let them.
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More information on Rivers Bend is at riversbend.html
