Kim Roseolms Ai Ci Program


Dr Ye is a Tenure-Track Professor under the Hundred Talents Program at Zhejiang University. Before joining Zhejiang University in 2020, She was a research scientist of Mixed Reality & AI Lab at Cambridge, Microsoft. Prior to joining Microsoft, she was a Ph.D. student at Imperial Computer Vision and Learning Lab of Imperial College London, under the supervision of Tae-Kyun Kim. She obtained her Master's degree from the School of Information Science and Technology of Tsinghua University in 2014 and a Bachelor's degree from the College of Information Science and Technology of Beijing Normal University in 2011. She is interested in and working on human-computer interaction, particularly vision understanding involving hands, and a more general setting where humans interact with the environment. She is also passionate about 3D vision problems and their applications, particularly in Mixted/Augmented/Virtual Reality and autmatic control. Here is her CV.
Area of Research Interest: Computer Vision, Robot Perception,Unmanned System, Control.
I am looking for students, postdocs and research assistants, please drop me an email if you are interested in working with me.
2020/11 I join the college of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University.
2019/01 I join the Human Understanding team of Microsoft at Cambridge, working with a group of excellent people!
2018/06 Talk on 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Network at Cambridge, Microsoft.
2017/09 We are organizing ICCV2017 Hand workshop and The 2017 Hands in the Million Challenge.
Publications (Google Scholar Profile)

J. Shen, T. Cashman, Q, Ye, T. Hutton, T. Sharp, F. Bogo, A. Fitzgibbon, J. Shotton. The Phong Surface: Efficient 3D Model Fitting using LiftedOptimization. ECCV 2020 (oral)

D. Tang*, Q. Ye*, S. Yuan, J. Taylor, P. Kohli, C. Keskin, T-K Kim, J. Shotton. Opening the Black Box: Hierarchical Sampling Optimization for Hand Pose Estimation. TPAMI 2019. (* indicates equal contribution)

Q. Ye, T-K Kim. Occlusion-aware Hand Pose Estimation Using Hierarchical Mixture Density Network. ECCV2018 (oral)

S. Yuan, Q. Ye, Bjorn Stenger, S. Jain, T-K Kim. BigHand2.2M Benchmark: Hand Pose DataSet and State of the Art Analysis. CVPR 2017 (spotlight)

Q. Ye, S. Yuan, T-K. Kim. Spatial Attention Deep Net with Partial PSO for Hierarchical Hybrid Hand Pose Estimation. ECCV 2016 (oral)
PDF/ Supplement /Demo Video on YouTube /Bibtex /Poster /Project Page
Qi Ye, Youbin Chen, Bin Zhu, The Robustness of a New 3D CAPTCHA, 2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS) (2014)


Address: Room 511, Industrial Control New Building, YuquanCampus, Zhejiang University

Subpages (3):BigHand2.2M_cvpr2017OcclusionAwareSpatialAttention_eccv2016

Days: Saturday, July 7thSunday, July 8th

Saturday, July 7th
  • Background: Severe coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is associated with dysregulated inflammation. The effects of combination treatment with baricitinib, a Janus kinase inhibitor, plus remdesivir are not known. Methods: We conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating baricitinib plus remdesivir in hospitalized adults with Covid-19.
  • Communicating with customers through live chat interfaces has become an increasingly popular means to provide real-time customer service in many e-commerce settings. Today, human chat service agents are frequently replaced by conversational software agents or chatbots, which are systems designed to communicate with human users by means of natural language often based on artificial.
  • We make it easy to compare home and auto insurance quotes online. Our customers save $961 per year on average. Want to see your potential savings? Let's get started.

The man was diagnosed with lung cancer 127 days after baseline imaging. D, Chest radiograph of man in his 50s (with AI detection). The AI algorithm detected the missed subcentimeter nodule (in green, with nodule score of 53%) in the right upper lung zone. AI indicates artificial intelligence; and NLST, National Lung Screening Trial. Results: A genetic predisposition to enhanced nitric oxide signaling was associated with reduced risks of coronary heart disease (odds ratio, 0.37; 95% confidence interval CI, 0.31-0.45; P=5.5.10 –26, peripheral arterial disease (odds ratio 0.42; 95% CI, 0.26-0.68; P=0.0005), and stroke (odds ratio, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.37-0.76; P=0.0006). In a mediation analysis, the effect of the genetic.

View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview

Welcome Ceremony

Keynote I

Digital Humanitarians: How You Can Make a Difference During the Next Disaster (abstract)

Coffee break

Poster pitches

Simon's Anthill: Mapping and Navigating Belief Spaces (abstract)
Finding Mnemo: Hybrid Intelligence Memory in a Crowd-Powered Dialog System (abstract)
Networks of influence in small group discussions (abstract)
CrowdRev: A platform for Crowd-based Screening of Literature Reviews (abstract)
The Effect of Automatic Feedback on Effort and Collective Intelligence in Distributed Virtual Teams (abstract)
Enabling Expert Critique with Chatbots and Micro Guidance (abstract)


Keynote II

Optimizing the Human-Machine Partnership with Zooniverse (abstract)

Coffee break

Social learning strategies for matters of taste (abstract)
Collective Intelligence for Deep Reinforcement Learning (abstract)
Photo Sleuth: Combining Collective Intelligence and Computer Vision to Identify Historical Portraits (abstract)
Toward Safer Crowdsourced Content Moderation (abstract)
How Intermittent Breaks in Interaction Improve Collective Intelligence (abstract)

Posters 1

Changing the Innovation Game - Crowdsourcing in Incumbent Firms (abstract)
A Human-Centered Perspective on Human–AI Interaction: Introduction of the Embodiment Continuum Framework (abstract)
Crowdoscope – An Interactive Survey Tool for Social Collective Intelligence (abstract)
Market volatility and crashes in experimental financial markets with interactions between human and high-frequency traders (abstract)
Co-creating Collective Intelligence in Civic Tech: Pilot Study in Lithuania (abstract)
Crowd Dynamics in Small Teams in Higher Education (abstract)
Is Novelty an Advantage or a Drawback in Equity Crowdfunding? (abstract)
Crowd Work on a CV? Understanding How AMT Fits into Turkers' Career Goals and Professional Profiles (abstract)

CI 2018 / HCOMP-18 Joint Banquet

Sunday, July 8th

View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview

Introduction to Day Two

Keynote III

Learning through Collective Intelligence (abstract)

Coffee break


Kim Roseolms Ai Ci Program Login

Crowdsourcing and crowd-driven innovation (panel) (abstract)

Poster 2

QUEST: A Common Sense Approach to Annotating Q&A Content (abstract)
Collective Intelligence in business and in public sphere: possible research methods for a comparative study (abstract)
Repetition Doesn't Have To Be Boring: User Experience Design For Online Citizen Science Data Classification Applications (abstract)
A Trading Market for Prices in Peer Production (abstract)
Artificial Swarms Outperform in Finding Social Optima (abstract)
Collective Intelligence Aspects of Cyber-Physical Social Systems: Results of a Systematic Mapping Study (abstract)
Towards Hybrid Human-Machine Translation Services (abstract)
False Positive and Cross-relation Signals in Distant Supervision Data (abstract)


Keynote IV

The Role of Internet Skills in Online Participation (abstract)

Coffee break

When Ties Bind And When Ties Divide: The Effects Of Communication Networks On Group Processes And Performance (abstract)
Behind the Starbucks counter: Collaborative Training in Virtual Reality (abstract)
Enhancing Collective Intelligence of Human-Machine Teams (abstract)
Implicit Coordination in Peer Production Networks (abstract)
Collective Intelligence Systems for Analogical Search (abstract)
Rational Collective Learning in the Laboratory (abstract)

Closing ceremony

Kim Roseolms Ai Ci Programs

Abraham Bernstein and Thomas Malone